South Korea is the best place to get a hair transplant. Its unparalleled quality along with a detailed aftercare service eliminates all other competitors. There are hundreds of clinics offering hair transplant procedures in Seoul, Korea, but we send thousands of international patients only to the top Korean hair transplant clinics every year. We only work with professionally certified medical teams and surgeons as a successful hair transplant surgery requires substantial experience and a high level of expertise. The clinics are also equipped with the latest medical facilities to offer a first-class service. In Korea, the doctors’ skills and advanced equipment are the best in the world, guaranteeing the outcome of your hair transplant.
Through meticulous planning and communication with your surgeon, you can confidently discuss how you want your surgery to be handled. With the help of advanced technology, the surgeons are able to handle the surgeries in detail, increasing the success rate. The surgeons are always working for the most satisfying outcome for you.
One of the most preferred methods of hair transplant is non-incisional FUE (Follicular unit extraction). In this procedure, the surgeon will use a micro-sized instrument (1mm in diameter or less) to remove individual follicular units from the patient’s scalp. The device makes a circular incision around the follicular unit to isolate the graft. The graft is then extracted directly from the scalp using a tweezer-like instrument and then prepared for placement by a team of professional technicians. The specially-trained technicians isolate, prepare and ensure that the follicular grafts remain in optimal condition. Follicular units are arranged into groups depending on the number of hairs contained within each follicle (1-4 hairs are commonly found within each follicle). The placement of these follicular units is what makes the regrowth of your hair natural.
Combining the new technology called Ultrasonic Wave Scan Hair Transplantation (USHT), the transplant becomes more effective. This new non-incisional hair transplant maximizes the survival rate of extracted follicles by correctly recognizing the location of the follicles and collecting them safely, minimizing damages. The surgeon will first perform a scan over the donor area and the recipient area to confirm the position of the hair follicles. Then, the surgeon will place the extracted hair follicles by calculating the angle of the hair follicles under the scalp. This minimizes the damage to the scalp and increases the successful relocation of the hair follicles by up to 3 to 4%. Side effects of hair transplantation may include scarring, temporary folliculitis, and itching.
Surgery Time: 3-8 hours depending on the units intended
Recovery Time: 2-5 days before returning to daily activities
Optimal Results: 6-12 months
Average Lifespan: Permanent

Incisional FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) involves removing a small strip of the scalp from the back of the head in order to harvest the healthy hair follicles. The healthy hair follicles will then be transplanted into the ‘recipient’ areas, where the patient has experienced hair loss or wishes to have a fuller appearance.
FUT is a sophisticated surgical operation that requires highly-qualified medical professionals in a proper surgical environment. That means there is a recovery period and patients should expect some healing time before they fully recover, and begins to see the results show.
The downside of this procedure is that it leaves faint linear scarring on the surface of the scalp.
Surgery Time: 3-8 hours depending on the units intended
Recovery Time: Should be healed and scab-free around 10 days after the procedure
Optimal Results: 6-12 months
Average Lifespan: Permanent
ARTAS is a robotic hair transplant surgery that is a substantial advance in the technology of hair transplant procedures. It will use the FUE harvesting techniques as its mainstay for harvesting. In Robotic FUE, the ARTAS® iX Robotic System automates two key steps in FUE hair transplant; follicular unit graft harvesting and recipient site creation.
ARTAS Hair Transplant is a less invasive, surgical hair transplant method that has several merits of its own. The Robotic System utilizes Artificial Intelligence™ algorithms and micron-level precision robotics to naturally restore hair without the need for plugs, stitches or sutures. As robots do not get fatigued as humans do when harvesting follicular units, robot-assisted harvesting promises to produce a technology that will be far superior to hair transplantation done by hand. With the same effect as FUE, ARTAS proves to be more effective.
Surgery Time: 3-8 hours depending on the units intended
Recovery Time: 2-5 days before returning to daily activities
Optimal Results: 6-12 months
Average Lifespan: Permanent
FUSS with KNP suture
The FUSS (Follicular Unit Strip Surgery) is a process that involves removing a small strip of tissue from the back of the head, from which the donor hair follicles will be extracted. The hair follicles are harvested from the strip by a skilled medical team before being individually transplanted to the recipient areas. For cases of advanced hair loss, FUSS is the preferred method because it allows the surgeon to fully utilize the scalp area to achieve the result consistent with the patient’s expectations. FUSS typically allows for the greatest number of grafts to be transplanted in a single session.
Surgery Time: 3-8 hours depending on the units intended
Recovery Time: 2-5 days before returning to daily activities
Optimal Results: 6-12 months
Average Lifespan: Permanent
To ensure a better outcome and quick recovery, our clinics prescribe medicine and provide aftercare services that would help you significantly in your hair transplant experience. Aftercare services may include hair wash, dry sterilization, deswelling laser, stitches removal, and more.