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Plastic Surgery

Lateral Canthoplasty

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Lateral Canthoplasty is one of the most prevalent eye surgeries lowering the outer corners of the eyes and thereby opening the eyes. As the eyes are one of the first things people notice on others, many women, but also men, desire larger, brighter eyes to gain a more sympathetic impression to others and feel better about themselves. Besides the popular double eyelid surgery, lateral Canthoplasty is another way to get a doll-like eye shape.

What is lateral Canthoplasty?

Lateral Canthoplasty, also called outer eyelid surgery, is a procedure that shapes the outer corner of the eye by changing the horizontal dimension of the eyes. The size of the eye is enlarged to have more access to the sclera, the white part of the eyeball. Lateral Canthoplasty is often combined with inner corner eyelid surgery called medical epicanthoplasty. Therefore it is considered to be a beneficial surgery for the correction of the eyelid.

Lateral Canthoplasty is not only an aesthetically pleasing cosmetic surgery but also useful to correct lower eyelid malposition, restore eyelid function, and protect the ocular surface.

What are the benefits of lateral Canthoplasty?

  • Lateral Canthoplasty increases the length of the eyes or can change the eye slant. Therefore more sclera is exposed making the eyes appear to be larger and brighter
  • Enhanced facial appearance 
  • Alteration of eye shape defects (restoring of eyelid function, correction of lower eyelid malposition, etc.)
  • There are a lot of techniques for how Lateral Canthoplasty can be done; therefore, it is a suitable procedure for almost every eye shape.

Lateral canthoplasty recovery time

After Lateral Canthoplasty, the patient can return to their daily lives within a few days, if not right away. Swelling around the eye area will appear but is gone within a month. After 5-7 days, stitches will be removed. The incision line can appear red for 2-3 months but will eventually blend with the skin color and fade away as if there never was one, leaving a natural result. There are going to be at least two post-operational check-ups with your doctor to ensure that there won’t be any scars or infections. 

Lateral Canthoplasty does not affect your actual eyeball or the muscles and nerves that aid vision.

It should be kept in mind that smoking and alcohol should not be consumed for at least a month. Contact lenses should also not be worn during the healing process.

Lateral Canthoplasty in Korea

Surgeries that involve the eyelids are the most popular in South Korea. Having big, beautiful, double eyelids eyes has become a beauty standard in Korea, even underage patients can undergo this plastic surgery

Such a popular trend has lead Korean surgeons to bring their operational skills to the utmost perfection. Lateral Canthoplasty in Korea is a cosmetic surgery that allows patients to achieve bright, smooth looking eyes. It is preferred to get rid of the so-called Mongolian fold (epicanthic fold).

Currently, there are four potential vectors of change possible (upper, lower, medial, and lateral). South Korea is the only country that most often utilizes the change in all four-vectors. This means South Korean surgeons are experts in the field of Lateral Canthoplasty. 

Lateral Canthoplasty before and after


In comparison, the patients’ Mongolian fold was removed thanks to Lateral Canthoplasty. The outer corners were vertically prolonged to make the eyes appear more prominent as more sclera is exposed. The eyes are more symmetrical after surgery.

The difference between the double eyelid surgery and Lateral Canthoplasty is that eyelid surgery alters the vertical dimensions of the eyes or the width of the eye between the upper and lower lid. Lateral Canthoplasty, on the other hand, affects the horizontal dimensions or the length of the eye by altering the outer corner of the eyes.

Undergoing Lateral Canthoplasty is primarily going to change the appearance of the outer eye area by lowering the outer tail of the eye.

If you are unsatisfied with your eye shape or eyesight Lateral Canthoplasty in Korea can be the right procedure. At Seoul Guide Medical, we are in contact with Koreas’ top surgeons. We will gladly assist you with consultation and more detailed information. 


For whom is lateral Canthoplasty most recommended?

Lateral Canthoplasty is appropriate for: ● Bulged eyes ● Patients with a short width between the eyes ● Patients who want to get rid of slanted eyes ● Patients who wish to have bigger eyes This procedure is not recommended for patients with more prominent cheeks or with sunken looking eyes.

Is Lateral Canthoplasty permanent?

Lateral Canthoplasty is a strong, effective procedure with long-lasting results. However, the procedure is not always permanent in all cases; therefore, other procedures such as blepharoplasty would be required. Important to mention is that during the healing process, if not careful, complications can influence the permanency of Lateral Canthoplasty.

Can lateral Canthoplasty change my overall look?

Mostly yes. The face in general and especially the eyes are the first thing people notice about others when meeting them. Since Lateral Canthoplasty opens up the eyes and gives them a bigger look, the overall impression of the face changes. The surgery can balance out the other facial features, or in case of previous slanted eyes, can give the face an overall softer, more refined look.

Dimpleplasty In Korea – What is it and how does it work?

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Dimpleplasty in Korea, and around the globe, has been a rising plastic procedure in recent years. In many cultures, dimples represent a sign of beauty and cheerfulness. Not just that, but even in the entertainment industry, especially in Korea, celebrities with dimples draw more attention which causes the increased desire of having dimples. If you wish to give yourself a softer look and change your impression, Dimpleplasty is the right choice.

What is Dimpleplasty?

Dimpleplasty is the artificial creation of dimples through surgery.  A dimple is a small depression on the surface of the body which can be easily noticeable. It is a simple, minimally invasive surgery where the skin is being attached to the cheek muscles using a suture. 

There are two types of dimples;

  • Cheek Dimples
  • Chin Dimples (also known as Cleft chin)

Dimpleplasty in Korea

As South Korea is the world leader of plastic surgery, having Dimpleplasty done in South Korea is a fast and comfortable way of getting a more charming appearance. The procedures in Korea do not require hospital stays.

Complications regarding Dimpleplasty are minor and avoided easily by proper knowledge of the regional anatomy and surgical technique. Korean surgeons have a lot of experience with

Dimpleplasty and if you contact Seoul Medical Guide through our website, we will help you find the best surgeon to match your concern. 

According to International Plastic Surgery Statistics, South Korea is the best for any kind of plastic surgery. Thanks to rapid modern development in technology, South Korea’s medical field has come up with new methods that lead to the best outcome. The popularity of Koreas plastic surgery has lead surgeons and patients from all over the world to come to South Korea to either study or get a procedure done in the world’s best plastic surgery clinics.   

Benefits of Dimpleplasty

The main benefits of Dimpleplasty are an enhanced facial definition, as well as attractiveness and confident expression. Dimples give the patients a cute smile and will bring joy into their life. 

Other positive aspects of Dimpleplasty include :

  • Immediate results 
  • The procedure is safe and effective with minimal chance of scarring 
  • Results are reliable, natural-looking and lasting with a low rate of complications
  • Recovery time is short 

Dimpleplasty procedure

 Keyhan, Khiabani, and Hemmat. Dimple Creation Surgery. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2012.

The procedure of Dimpleplasty is almost non-invasive, with minimal swelling occurring the first two to three weeks after surgery. The surgery itself only takes about 20-30 minutes.

The first step before undergoing this cosmetic procedure is a consultation with a qualified doctor. This is necessary to decide the optimal placement and depth of the dimples for the best natural-looking results. The most common suggestion for the ideal location is the meeting point of the horizontal line coming from the angle of the mouth and a 90 degree line coming from the outer conner of the eye. 

Shortly before surgery, the plastic surgeon puts the patient under local anesthesia to gently numb the area of operation. Once it has taken effect, a small incision, 2-3mm, from the inside of the mouth will be made. With the help of a needle and suture, the skin and the cheek muscles are fixed to form a sling. After forming the sling a knot is tied inside the mouth and the dimple is created. This technique shows no scarring as it is performed inside of the mouth.

Dimpleplasty Recovery

The recovery period is approximately 2 weeks. Within this time minor side effects may occur, such as a slight swelling around the operated area. However, patients are allowed to return to work or participate in other activities as early as 2 days after surgery. 

Dimples may be visible even without smiling during the first months of recovery but will progressively settle to look natural and only appear while smiling.

During the first days of the postoperative period, it is important to maintain good oral hygiene as infections could appear. Also, it is recommended to stay on a soft food diet and not to smile much since the dimples need to heal. 

Dimpleplasty Before and After

Before having Dimpleplasty done one’s presence appears to be duller than after the cosmetic procedure. After results show a happy patient with a more lively and adorable-like image. {Dilan will include pictures when uploading the article}

Dimple surgery is a safe procedure without any discomforts to enhance the beauty of a person. Dimple creation surgery is a very safe procedure. The patient satisfaction rate is very high, and patients are seen a long time after surgery to be continously pleased with their surgically created dimples. If you want to improve your appearance, Dimplasty is the easiest and fastest way to enhance your beautiful smile immediately. For more information do not hesitate to contact Seoul Guide Medical through our website. 


How long does dimpleplasty last?

The whole procedure is no longer than 20-30 minutes. Patients are normally discharged soon after the procedure and are able to return to their daily lives 2 days after surgery. The results are permanent, it is a one-time surgery.

Can a dimple be removed?

Yes, it is possible. Through a surgical procedure, it is possible to remove natural dimples and artificial dimples. To remove a dimple the skin of the cheek is freed from the underlying muscle where the dimple is present.

Is Dimpleplasty permanent?

Yes. It is a one-time surgery. There is no need to undergo the surgery again, as the effects of the surgery last a lifetime. But: If you’re unsatisfied with the results, the procedure can usually be reversed. In that case, we will gladly help to guide you and find a solution.

Can Dimpleplasty make dimples deeper?

During the consultation with a qualified doctor, the depth of dimples will be decided. If deeper dimples are desired, the cheek skin is stitched to deeper tissues. This applies to both natural and artificial dimples.

Love Band Surgery – Quick facts about Love Band Surgery in Korea

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A love band surgery is a new kind of cosmetic procedure that restores radiance and youthfulness to the eyes. The eyes are considered to be the most expressive facial feature that we have. However, if you have flat under-eyes, it may convey other expressions opposite to the ones you want to show. Today, anything that has to do with looking young is what’s trending. So if you have under-eyes that dull your expression, then maybe it’s time to get a love band surgery. 

What is Love Band Surgery?

love band, also known as an eye love band, is commonly referred to in South Korea as an aegyo-sal, which translates to “cute skin.” This is a cosmetic procedure that improves the fullness of the lower eyelid appearance by mimicking that of a newborn’s. These rolls in the lower eyelid differ from an eye bag through its location. A love band is located right below the lashes, while eye bags are limited to the tear ducts beneath the eyelids. Having an aegyo-sal gives off a youthful and warm appearance, most notably when smiling. However, not all people are born with love bands. This is why some people, most especially Koreans and other Asian nationalities that have flat lower eyelids, undergo the procedure. Not only has this become popular in Korea, but also in other countries like the US, where there is a considerable number of Asians who are living in the area. 

Three methods can be used in creating a love band in the lower eyelid, namely, the filler method (temporary), fat grafting (semi-permanent), and the use of the Acellular Dermal Matrix (permanent). The patient has the freedom to choose which method to use depending on their preference regarding the recovery period and the permanence of the result. 

  • Filler method

This method involves a hyaluronic acid-based gel. The gel is injected in the lower eyelid to create volume. The result of this method is temporary because the body absorbs hyaluronic acid over time. Thus, this will only last about six months to one year before you should have another filler treatment. This method is the most recommended since you can dissolve the filler if ever you do not like the results.  

  • Fat grafting

This method is considered semi-permanent and uses the fat that has been taken from other parts of the body like the thigh, belly, or buttocks. The result can last longer than a filler. However, since the body can reabsorb the fat, it can also make the results less visible after a couple of months to a year. A touch up may be needed in the future. 

  • Acellular Dermal Matrix (ADM)

SSADM is a banked artificial dermis that was extracted from the human’s dermis layer through a cadaver or donor. This is screened for disease and is sterilized for use. This method gives the patient a permanent result since, unlike fat grafting and fillers, the artificial tissue cannot be absorbed by the human skin.

Love Band Surgery Procedure

A licensed plastic surgeon can create a love band within 30 minutes to an hour. Depending on the method to be performed, local anesthesia or topical anesthesia is administered on the patient before the start of the procedure. 

  • Filler method 
  1. Your doctor will apply topical anesthesia to the under-eye area where the filler will be injected.
  2. They then use a syringe containing the HA filler and inject it in the under-eye area just below the under eyelid.
  3. An aegyo-sal is visibly seen right after the procedure and may have swelling that will only last for 2-3 days. 
  • Fat grafting
  1. They administer local anesthesia to the patient and sometimes pair it with IV sedation when necessary. 
  2. Fat is then taken from the belly, hips, buttocks, or thigh through liposuction. 
  3. They then place the harvested fats in a centrifugal separator to purify fat cells. 
  4. Purified fat cells are then inserted in a syringe and injected to the patient’s lower eyelid. 
  5. The swelling will still be visible after the procedure, but it will subside after 2-3 days. 
  • Acellular Dermal Matrix (ADM) 
  1. The doctor administers local anesthesia with sedation to the patient before the start of the procedure. 
  2. They then mark the area where the incision will be made so that it can serve as their guide during the surgery. 
  3. They make an incision of about 2-3mm in the lower area of the eyes. 
  4. The doctor then inserts the artificial dermis graft and secures it in place. 
  5. After the artificial dermis has been placed in the proper position, they suture the incision with 2-3 stitches. 
  6. The swelling will be gone after 2-3 days, and the incision will heal within two weeks. 

Love Band Surgery Recovery

The duration for the recovery after having a love band surgery depends on the method that was used. A common factor, regardless of the method, is that there will be swelling and possibly bruising after the procedure. This typically lasts for two to three days. For surgical incisions, it may take a week or two for it to heal completely. If needed, the doctor will give you prescriptive oral medication for pain that will help ease discomfort if there is any once you leave the clinic. If you had a filler method, you are allowed to go back to work the next day, but make sure that you avoid strenuous activities for a day. On the other hand, if you had a fat grafting or ADM, you may be advised to have a week off from work and vigorous activities until the surgical area has healed.         

Love Band Surgery Before and After

A love band can do so much to the appearance of the eyes and the whole face itself. It adds brightness and allows the person to convey the right emotions. Just like the before and after picture below, it is evident that the patient’s eyes have been enhanced significantly by the procedure. From dull and neutral looking eyes to a more expressive one. 

love band surgery before and after

Source –

In conclusion, getting a love band does not need a complicated procedure since the methods involved are quick and not too invasive. The recovery period for the procedure only takes a couple of days to two weeks, and you can go back to your daily activities right after having the procedure. Unlike other plastic surgery procedures, you can choose as to which method is more convenient on your part. It also helps that the results of the technique can be ranked from temporary, semi-permanent, and permanent. This way, the patient is not only given a chance to decide based on the pain scale and recovery period but also based on how long they want the results to last. Based on the before and after picture, the surgery is effective enough in creating a love band on someone who wants a more vibrant appearance.

Now that you know all the basics of a love band surgery, what are you waiting for? Get that aegyo-sal that you have always desired in South Korea by contacting Seoul Guide Medical through our website. With our surgeons who do thousands of eyelid surgeries every year, we assure you that you are in good hands. 


How would I know if I need love band surgery?

You may need to have a love band surgery if you want to enhance and brighten your lower eyelid because it tends to look dull and gloomy. Another way to know if you need to undergo this surgery is if your lower eyelids are flat and do not change even when you are smiling.

Is love band surgery permanent?

The permanence of a love band surgery depends mostly on the method you choose. Filler and fat grafting methods are temporary and semi-permanent, respectively, while the ADM method is permanent.

Gynecomastia in Korea – Things You Need to Know About Gynecomastia for Men

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Gynecomastia affects more men than we think, and for them, this condition can be equivalent to having a lot of body hair in women. This condition can be a man’s insecurity; this is why gynecomastia surgery is the fastest solution to the undesirable enlargement of a male’s breast. Male breast reduction may be the answer to the cause of your lowered confidence. Read on to know more about the procedures, techniques, as well as benefits from getting the gynecomastia surgery.

What is Gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia is a condition of the male breast wherein it becomes over-developed or enlarged. It can affect only one breast or both. According to a study by B. Venkata Ratnam, if the enlargement of the breast is because of glandular tissue, then it is called true gynecomastia. On the other hand, if the enlargement is because of increase fat tissue in the breast, it is referred to as pseudogynecomastia.

One of the reasons why this condition occurs in males is because of the imbalance in hormones. Men and women have estrogen and testosterone in their bodies, but because testosterone is a male hormone, it is considered as the dominant one in males. When estrogen levels become too high in males or not balanced with the testosterone level, gynecomastia occurs. Other causes of gynecomastia in males are: 

  • Heredity 
  • Obesity 
  • Smoking 
  • Use of drugs 
  • Medication 
  • Lifestyle 

Enlargement of the male breast can happen at any age and naturally occurs in three phases of a male’s life, namely, after birth, puberty, and mid-life and beyond. After being born, half of the baby boys tend to have gynecomastia because of the estrogen that their mother passed on to them while developing inside the womb. During puberty, enlargement of the breast happens because of the changing hormones and hormonal imbalance.

However, this usually disappears six months to two years from the start of a teen boy’s puberty stage. When it comes to the mid-life and beyond phase, one in four men tend to develop gynecomastia. It is in this phase that the condition is considered to be at its peak. This is why men in their late 30’s and beyond are the ones who mostly undergo gynecomastia surgery.  

What are the Benefits of Gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia surgery has several benefits for men who suffer from this condition. Men can benefit from the surgery psychologically, aesthetically, and physically. Some of the benefits of gynecomastia surgery are: 

  • Psychological benefits 
  • Improvement in self-confidence 
  • Gets rid of embarrassment because of feminine-like breasts 
  • Aesthetic benefits
  • Well-toned masculine chest 
  • More masculine appearance 
  • Allows you to wear even fitted shirts 
  • Physical benefits 
  • Improved body posture 
  • Enhances ability to do physical activities 
  • Gets rid of back pain because of added weight in the breast area 

For whom is Gynecomastia most recommended?

Gynecomastia surgery is recommended to adult men who have enlarged breasts that cannot be treated despite medications and exercise. Any male with the problem can have the surgery, but he should first be able to pass the following qualifications:

  • He should be mentally and physically healthy 
  • He should have a firm and elastic skin that can adjust to the new shape of the breast
  • He should not have any medical condition that causes gynecomastia 
  • He should be willing to quit smoking and drinking 
  • He should have realistic expectations of the results of the procedure
  • He should be prepared to avoid medications and substances that can make gynecomastia reoccur 
  • He should be willing to make an effort to maintain a stable weight after having the surgery 

Gynecomastia Surgery Procedure

There are two kinds of techniques used in gynecomastia surgery, depending on the cause of the breast enlargement. If it is considered as a pseudogynecomastia, then it can be treated by liposuction alone. However, if the condition is diagnosed as true gynecomastia, then the doctor will usually opt for surgical excision. They may also perform both liposuction and surgical excision to treat the enlarged breast. The procedure takes one to two hours, depending on the amount of fat and glandular tissue that needs extraction from the chest. For this surgical procedure, it is a must that you find a board-certified cosmetic surgeon who has a well-experienced background in male breast reduction. This is to ensure that the results will successfully match your expectations. 


A gynecomastia procedure is customized based on the patient’s need. This is why a consultation is essential and will allow your doctor to assess your condition. They will perform a physical exam and take photographs of the appearance of your breast before surgery for your medical record. This is also the time when you and your doctor will discuss the treatment plan as well as the technique that the surgeon will use for the surgery. As a patient, you should be transparent with your doctor regarding your medical history as well as your expectations concerning the procedure and the results. 


  • The anesthesia used for this surgical procedure is either local anesthesia with IV sedation or general anesthesia, depending on the doctor’s assessment and the patient’s need. 


  • Liposuction 
  1. The surgeon will make an incision for liposuction, which will be either a semi-circular shape along the areola or within the armpit. 
  2. Through the incision made, the surgeon will insert a cannula and remove excess fats using a push and pull motion. 
  3. Once the cannula has extracted the excess fats, the surgeon will suture the incisions and protect it with a bandage. 
  •  Tissue Excision
  1. Depending on the complexity of the surgery, the surgeon can either make the incision along the areola or within the creases of the patient’s chest. 
  2. He will then excise, or cut out, the excess glandular tissue in the breast. 
  3. If there is excess skin in the breast, the surgeon will also remove this to avoid sagging. 
  4. Once the excess glandular tissue and skin have been removed, the surgeon will suture the incision and protect it with a bandage. 
  • Combination of Liposuction and Tissue Excision 
  1. If the patient has both true gynecomastia and pseudogynecomastia, the surgeon will perform liposuction as well as tissue excision to treat the condition. 
  2. The surgeon will create an incision either along the areola or within the crease of the chest. 
  3. He will then excise the excess glandular tissue before performing a` liposuction. 
  4. Once both techniques have been completed, the surgeon will suture the incisions and cover them with a bandage for protection. 

Gynecomastia Surgery Recovery

After the surgery, your doctor will give you specific instructions on how to take care of the surgical site, drains, and yourself during the recovery period of one to two weeks. It is a must that you strictly follow the doctor’s instructions and attend the scheduled follow up checkups. Right after the surgery until the area heals, you are required to apply bandages on the incisions as well as a compression garment that will aid in swelling and contouring your chest area.

Your doctor will also temporarily place a tube under your skin that will drain any excess fluid and blood. He will also give you topical medications as well as oral medications that will help ease the discomfort if there is any. Until the incisions heal, you must protect your chest area from excessive force and motion by staying away from strenuous activities. 

Gynecomastia Before and After the Surgery

The results after having gynecomastia surgery are instantly visible; however, it is common for bruising and swelling to be present for about one to two weeks. As the breasts heal over time, the results will get more evident until it ultimately reaches the full setting at 3-6 months. 

As seen on the before and after images below, gynecomastia surgery can improve the appearance of the breast from a feminine look to a flatter, more masculine appearance. The operation made the patients’ breast flatter and more muscular, but it also fixed the contours and made it tighter. This, in turn, meant the surgeon did not leave any sagging skin that can be caused by the condition. 

Breast Lift Surgery Before and After.

The results after having gynecomastia surgery are instantly visible; however, it is common for bruising and swelling to be present for about one to two weeks. As the breasts heal over time, the results will get more evident until it ultimately reaches the full setting at 3-6 months. 

As seen on the before and after images below, gynecomastia surgery can improve the appearance of the breast from a feminine look to a flatter, more masculine appearance. The operation made the patients’ breast flatter and more muscular, but it also fixed the contours and made it tighter. This, in turn, meant the surgeon did not leave any sagging skin that can be caused by the condition. 

Gynecomastia is a condition wherein the male breasts are enlarged, thus appearing like feminine breasts. Breast enlargement in males can be caused by hormonal imbalance, lifestyle, medication, and genes, to name a few. It is called as true gynecomastia when it is caused by glandular tissue, while it is referred to as pseudogynecomastia when it is due to excess breast fats. Two surgical techniques that are used to treat gynecomastia, namely, are liposuction for pseudogynecomastia and tissue excision for true gynecomastia. The surgeon can opt to use these two techniques in one procedure for more complex cases of true gynecomastia. 

Undergoing a gynecomastia surgery is ultimately beneficial psychologically, physically, and aesthetically for men who are suffering from the condition. The results are also instant and will only take 3-6 months to see the full set of results. As for those who want to have the procedure, but are too busy with daily activities, it is not something to worry about since the recovery time only takes two weeks at most.

Two weeks off from work is only a short time as compared to years or a lifetime of suffering from gynecomastia. If you are a male who suffers from true gynecomastia or pseudogynecomastia, let us help you achieve the masculine figure that you have always wanted. All you need to do is book a consultation through our website, and we will take it from there to guide you in getting rid of gynecomastia.


How long does Gynecomastia surgery last?

A gynecomastia surgery lasts for a duration of one to two hours depending on the complexity of the case, the amount of tissue that needs excising, and the amount of fat to be suctioned. Concerning the results of the surgery, it is permanent because the eliminated tissue cannot come back on its own. However, gynecomastia and pseudogynecomastia have a possibility of recurring if you do not change your lifestyle and if you are not adequately monitoring your weight.

Breast Lift Surgery

By | Plastic Surgery | No Comments

Breast lift, just like any plastic surgery lifting procedure, can restore the youthfulness of the breasts. Women’s bodies go through a lot of changes during puberty, pregnancy, and as they age. One of the parts of their body that is affected by these changes is the breast. Not only do women show signs of aging and can have significant changes in the face, but also with their bodies, particularly the breasts. With the help of bras, this problem can be given a temporary solution, but for those who want a long-lasting solution, then a breast lift should be something to consider. 

What is Breast Lift Surgery?

Breast lift, also known as a mastopexy, is a surgical procedure that lifts the breast through the removal of excess skin and reshaping of breast tissue. It is generally performed by a plastic surgeon who has a wide array of experience in breast improvement. It is important to note that a breast lift will not alter the breast size, only the breast shape, and is often done together with breast augmentation or breast reduction for best results. 

Some of the reasons why women undergo breast lift surgery are: 

  • Pregnancy- the breast ligaments often stretch during pregnancy and result in sagging right after whether you breastfeed or not. 
  • Weight fluctuations- weight gain may cause the breast to stretch, and once weight loss happens, the breast skin loses elasticity.
  • Aging- as time goes by, the breast skin naturally loses its elasticity causing the breasts to sag. 

A breast lift procedure is best for individuals who: 

  • have sagging breasts
  • have nipples that are below the breast crease 
  • have nipples and areola that point downward 
  • have asymmetrical breast wherein one falls lower than the other 

Breast Lift Surgery Procedure

A breast lift procedure should be done by a board-certified plastic surgeon who has performed successful breast lift surgeries. The whole procedure may take 3-5 hours, depending on the extent of correction needed. It could also take longer if you opt to have your breast lift done with other breast correction procedures. Your surgeon will use specific techniques and incision patterns depending on the degree of sagging, the size, the shape of your breast, and the elasticity of your skin. The following are the steps during a breast lift surgery: 


  • Your doctor will give you anesthesia so that you will be comfortable for the whole duration of the procedure. The options include general anesthesia and local anesthesia with IV sedation. During your consultation, your doctor will inform you as to which anesthesia they will administer.


  • Crescent lift- for individuals who need minimal correction with only minimal scarring 
  • Peri-Areolar or “Donut” Lift -for those who need to correct mild sagging with a single scar 
  • Vertical or “Lollipop” lift- for the correction of moderate sagging and a more extensive reshaping 
  • Inverted T or “Anchor” lift- for a more dramatic reshaping and to correct extensive sagging

Reshaping and Lifting

  • After your doctor has created the prediscussed incisions for your case, they will then perform the following steps to lift and reshape your breasts: 
  • They will begin to lift and reshape the breast tissue so that the contour and firmness are enhanced. 
  • They then reposition the areola at a higher position. 
  • If the areola is too large and not proportional to the new shape of the breast, they will reduce its size by removing excess skin around the perimeter. 
  • The skin is then redraped, and the excess is removed.

Closing of Incisions

  • Once the breast skin and tissues have been reshaped and lifted, the surgeon will close the incisions using sutures, skin adhesives, or surgical tape. The incisions are hidden in the creases of the breast; however, some will be visible but will improve and fade as time goes by. 

Breast Lift Surgery Recovery Time

Visible results can be seen right after a breast lift but may continue to improve once the swelling subsides. With the before and after images shown below, you could see that the breast lift is effective in enhancing both patients’ breasts and restoring its perkiness.

The areola was also repositioned and decreased in size to make it proportional to the uplifted breasts. The scars will still be quite visible in the lower portion of the breast, but as time goes by, they usually fade or lighten. A lot of women want to have as small an incision as possible so that it will not be visible after the surgery. However, the doctor will still be the one to decide which incision is best for a patient’s case, and which will give the best result. 

Breast Lift Surgery Before and After.

Visible results can be seen right after a breast lift but may continue to improve once the swelling subsides. With the before and after images shown below, you could see that the breast lift is effective in enhancing both patients’ breasts and restoring its perkiness. The areola was also repositioned and decreased in size to make it proportional to the uplifted breasts. The scars will still be quite visible in the lower portion of the breast, but as time goes by, they usually fade or lighten. A lot of women want to have as small an incision as possible so that it will not be visible after the surgery. However, the doctor will still be the one to decide which incision is best for a patient’s case, and which will give the best result. 


To summarize, a breast lift is best for women who have issues with their sagging breasts because this procedure can tighten and reshape the tissue and skin. This procedure is most recommended for women whose sagging breasts were caused by pregnancy or breastfeeding, weight fluctuations, and aging. The method involves four major steps and has four options as to what incision is the best for every individual. When it comes to the recovery, it may take several weeks, depending on the extent of correction done on the breast. With the doctor’s post-surgery care instructions, it should make the healing period easier and quicker. 

The importance of having a board-certified plastic surgeon perform a breast lift is undeniably essential to make sure that the manipulation of skin and tissue is done correctly and safely. Now that you know more about a breast lift procedure and you are someone who has been researching how to undergo the surgery, you can contact us through the Seoul Guide Medical website. We will not only connect you with a board-certified plastic surgeon but surgeons who are well experienced and specializing in breast lift surgeries. 


How long does a breast lift last?

The result of a breast lift is not permanent, but long-lasting. How long the results will last depends on the size of your breast, the quality of bra you use after having the surgery, the elasticity of your skin, weight loss and gain, pregnancy, age, lifestyle, and the technique used during the procedure. Usually, a follow-up breast lift happens within 10-15 years after undergoing surgery.

Can you go braless after a breast lift?

Your breast will be perky and uplifted even without a bra after you undergo a breast lift. You can always opt not to wear a bra if you are not into it. However, you can only do this once your breasts have finished healing completely. During the recovery period, for about six weeks, you are strictly required to wear a good quality bra to help the augmented tissue stay in the right place. Also, you will need to be cautious and considerate about the material of your bra since you do not want it to aggravate your scars.

Eyebrow Lift – Quick Facts to Read Towards Perfect Eyebrows!

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Eyebrow lifts can work wonders on the face, especially for those who are into anti-aging treatments for the face. We all would like to maintain a smooth and young-looking appearance for as long as possible, but because we cannot escape the process of aging, we have to find ways to delay it. Not all anti-aging skincare is capable of entirely getting rid of wrinkles and lines since they mostly work only on top of the skin. With anti-aging plastic surgery procedures like the eyebrow lift, you can effectively and quickly restore your youthfulness. 

What is an Eyebrow Lift?

An eyebrow lift, also known as a forehead lift or forehead rejuvenation, is a kind of cosmetic procedure that enhances the appearance of the brow, forehead, and eye area. This procedure is used to remove excess skin and reposition muscles and tissue in the forehead, especially for those who have issues with a sagging brow, asymmetrical brows, and facial furrows.

What is/are the Benefits of an Eyebrow Lift?

This procedure is one of the most popular rejuvenating procedures that can be paired with other anti-aging treatments. An eyebrow lift can bring about benefits for those wanting to restore youthfulness in their appearance. Some of the benefits include: 

  • Reduction of lines and creases in the upper nose bridge 
  • Smoothens of frown lines in the eye area 
  • Tightening and lifting of the brow, thus eliminating the “hooding” of the eyebrow and upper eyelids
  • Improvement of the sagging of the eyelids 
  • Improvement of the appearance from looking old and fatigued to a more youthful and rested looking appearance

How is an Eyebrow Lift Done?


  • The standard method of anesthesia used for an eyebrow lift is either general anesthesia or local anesthesia with IV sedation. Your surgeon will decide on which anesthesia is best for you during the procedure. 


  • There are three techniques used for an eyebrow lift, depending on the patient’s goal, anatomy, and the degree of correction that needs to be achieved. 

Endoscopic Brow Lift

This technique is the least invasive of the three methods. They first create a ¾ inch incision behind the hairline. They then insert a special camera called the endoscope and tiny instruments to reposition, lift, and remove the muscles, tissue, and skin in the forehead. 

Temporal or Limited Incision Brow Lift

This technique is commonly paired with eyelid surgery. A one-inch incision is made behind the hairline above each temple. This is to lift and reposition the outer areas of the eyebrow. This will also smoothen the frown lines of the forehead. 

Coronal or Classic Brow Lift

This technique is considered as the traditional technique for an eyebrow lift and is seldom used because of the availability of less invasive procedures that also produce the same results. However, there are instances wherein this technique is needed. The doctor creates an incision behind the hairline that runs from ear to ear. They then remove the excess tissue, skin, and fat and reposition it for a younger appearance. 

Closing of the incision

The incisions made for an eyebrow lift can be closed in three ways, either using a removable or absorbable suture, skin adhesives, or special clips. 

Eyebrow Lift Recovery

After having the eyebrow lift procedure, it is common for you to experience a little pain and swelling as well as tightness in the forehead area. The effects of the procedure may last for about ten days and will heal after two weeks. Recovery can vary from one person to another, depending on how his or her body responds during the healing period. One week after undergoing the eyebrow lift procedure, you are allowed to return to work as long as it does not involve vigorous tasks.

If you are concerned about the appearance of bruising and swelling, you can cover the area with makeup that has been approved by your doctor. After two to four weeks, you can gradually resume your daily activities and exercise included, as long as you have approval from your doctor. 

Eyebrow Lift Before and After

Having an eyebrow lift is an effective procedure for rejuvenating the upper area of the face to make a face appear younger and well-rested. Not only does this procedure treat the eye area, but also the forehead, which is one of the parts of the face to show the first signs of aging next to the eyes. In the before and after pictures below, you can see the significant changes in the patients’ eyes.

The lines beside and under the eyes have been smoothened, resulting in a well-rested appearance. With regards to the forehead area, the first picture shows that the procedure was able to get rid of the frown lines above the eyebrow. With the lines and wrinkles gone, it is evident that the after results of the patients make them look younger and allows them to have a smoother complexion. 

Eyebrow lifts are a cosmetic procedure that improves the appearance of your eyes, forehead, and eyebrows through the lifting, repositioning, and removal of skin, muscles, and tissues. There are currently three techniques used for this procedure, namely, the endoscopic brow lift, temporal brow lift, and the coronal brow lift, which is the traditional technique. The recovery period after an eyebrow lift takes only two weeks, but the results can last for years. The results are also very promising and show visible improvement in the facial appearance of the persons who underwent the procedure. 

Anti-aging plastic surgery procedures have risen in popularity because of its effectivity and quick solution to aging-related skin issues. If you are someone who is into anti-aging and wants to get rid of lines and wrinkles that skincare cannot eliminate, then you should go for an eyebrow lift. For a consultation with the best doctors and clinics in Korea, you may contact Seoul Guide Medical, and we will provide you with everything you need to achieve youthfulness. 


For whom does eyebrow lift most recommended?

An eyebrow lift is most recommended for adults who would like to eliminate drooping eyebrows, facial furrows, and frown lines. This lifting procedure is capable of getting rid of the signs of aging, a tired appearance, and an intimidating look allowing you to appear more youthful and refreshed.

Is an eyebrow lift permanent?

The results of an eyebrow lift are permanent and can even last for a decade to a lifetime. However, the aging process continues no matter what lifting procedure you undergo; thus, the effects of aging can still show on your face over time. When the aging becomes visible after having the procedure, there is always an option to have another eyebrow lift or other lifting procedures to maintain the results.

Can an Eyebrow lift change my overall facial appearance?

An eyebrow lift will not change how you look, but it can improve your appearance as well as your self-confidence. It is capable of enhancing a tired, old, and intimidating appearance to become more youthful, well-rested, and energetic.

Full Facelift – Quick facts about Full Facelift in Korea

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Full Facelift surgeries are widespread and common in today’s time, especially with people who are in their forties and older. A lot of people who are coming into their midlife or later years, whether they are a celebrity or not, are into the trend of defying the aging process.

The more you can maintain a smooth, rejuvenated appearance and continue to embody youthfulness despite your age, the more you are into the trend. There are countless shelves of anti-aging skincare on the market. Still, no matter what anti-aging skincare you use, nothing can match the results that anti-aging plastic surgery procedures, like a full facelift, can offer. This procedure is capable of working wonders not only on top of the skin but into the deepest layers. 

What is a Full Facelift?

A full facelift, also known as rhytidectomy, is a cosmetic surgery procedure that can eliminate or reduce wrinkles, sagging, and folds, as well as lack of muscle tone, brought about by the aging process. The surgery is responsible for lifting the skin to redefine the contours of the face and give a smoother and younger appearance to a person.

More often than not, a neck lift, also called a platysmaplasty, is done in conjunction with a facelift also to reduce sagging in the neck and match it with the smoothness of the face. You may also undergo an eyebrow lift together with a full facelift to enhance your forehead area since a facelift concentrates more on the mid and lower part of the face.                   

Full Facelift procedure

A board-certified plastic surgeon should be the one performing a complete facelift procedure to ensure the safety and success of the surgery. The whole process can take 3-4 hours to finish depending on a case to case basis. However, it may take longer if the facelift is done inconjunct with another plastic surgery procedure. The steps during a full facelift procedure are as follows: 

  • Anesthesia 

To make sure that you are relaxed while your plastic surgeon is performing the procedure, they will administer anesthesia, which will help you dose off during the duration of the surgery. The two choices are general anesthesia and local anesthesia with IV sedation. You and your doctor will decide on this in advance during your consultation

  • Incisions

– Since a full facelift is considered as the traditional facelift, the incisions made also follows a decades-old way. After the doctor administers the anesthesia, they create an incision that starts at the hairline in the temples and continues until the ear, ending in the lower scalp area. 

If you decide to have a neck lift together with your facelift, the doctor will make an additional incision below your chin to improve your neck area and balance it with the results in the face.

  • Lifting, repositioning, and removal

Through the incisions made, they will start repositioning the underlying facial tissues. The muscles are also lifted to improve muscle tone in the face. The skin is then redraped and lifted while the excess is removed. 

  • Closing of incisions

Once your doctor has finished tightening the tissues and removing the excess skin, they will suture the incisions with either a dissolvable suture or the kind that should be removed after a few days. Since the incisions are hidden in the creases of the ear and within the hairline scars will not be visible. 

Full Facelift Recovery

The recovery from a full facelift may take weeks because of the size of the incisions, as well as the amount of manipulation done to the tissues and muscle in the face. Typically, it takes two to three weeks for the initial recovery to take place. During this time, you may experience swelling and pain in your face, but your doctor will prescribe you with oral medication that can help in easing the discomfort.

If your doctor used sutures that do not dissolve on their own, they would remove it within a week or two from the day of the surgery. After the initial recovery period, you may slowly resume your daily activities based on the approval of the doctor. The swelling will gradually fade as the days go by, and you will see the final results of your full facelift after six months. 

Full Facelift Before and After

The outcome of a full facelift is more visible and noteworthy for people who are in their 40s or older because they are the ones who show the most visible signs of facial aging. As seen on the before and after images below, a full facelift procedure has produced dramatic and significant results on the face of the patients. The lines, sagging, and folds have either been decreased or eliminated, making their faces smoother and more youthful despite their age. In the second picture, it shows that when a full facelift is paired with a neck lift, the results make the face and neck more balanced. 

In summary, a full facelift is ideal for individuals who are in their 40s, 50s, and 60s because they show the most apparent signs of aging in the face area. Through this procedure, the face is improved significantly through the lifting, repositioning, and removal of the facial skin, tissues, and muscles. Since a full facelift is more focused on the middle and lower areas of the face, it is advised that you pair it with a neck lift as well as eyebrow lift to attain optimum results. 

The procedure has four steps, namely, anesthesia administration, creation of the incision, repositioning, removal and lifting, and closing of the incision, which takes a couple of hours depending on the patient’s case. When it comes to the recovery, it may take weeks because of the length of the incisions, as well as the amount of manipulation done to the deeper layers of the dermis. 

Now that you know more about a full facelift, and you have seen the promising result it brings as shown on the before and after images, you may be thinking about where to have a safe and successful procedure in Korea. You do not have to worry about looking for the best clinic because we at Seoul Guide Medical can provide you with that and more. All you have to do is to book an appointment through our website, and we will guide you on your journey in bringing back youth to that precious face. 


How would I know if I need a Full Facelift surgery?

As we grow older, our face shows visible signs of aging that can only be treated with plastic surgery procedures. Some of the signs that could tell you to get a facelift are:
jowls on the lower face
deep wrinkles and folds
loose skin on the neck
sagging skin on the face
the impression that you look older than you are when you experience a negative effect because of the appearance of your skin when it comes to psychological aspects, relationships, and career

Is a Full Facelift surgery permanent?

The results of a facelift are not considered permanent. This is because the aging process will continue even though you had the procedure.

How long until I can see the results after a Full Facelift surgery?

With proper skincare, diet, and weight management, the results of your facelift can last for five to ten years. Once aging becomes visible again, you may have another facelift procedure as long as your doctor approves it.

Non Incisional Double Eyelid Surgery in Korea – What is it All About?

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Non-incisional double eyelid surgery is an excellent alternative to its incisional counterpart since not all people are a fan of long recoveries and invasive procedures. This quick and easy method can become a life-changing procedure for someone who has always dreaded their droopy eyelids. Having issues with the upper eyelids can bring about a lot of problems in appearance, expression, and even vision. For some women, it can also hinder them from achieving a flawless makeup look. To help you know more about the non-incisional double eyelid surgery and if it’s worth undergoing the procedure, we have written some information that you may need.

Non Incisional Double Eyelid Surgery

What is Non-Incisional Double Eyelid Surgery?

Non-incisional double eyelid surgery is an eyelid surgery method that does not involve incisions in the upper eyelid. Most people undergo this procedure for its cosmetic purpose rather than for functionality. This method uses sutures to tighten the skin and muscles to produce a double eyelid. It is also a less invasive procedure, as compared to the incisional way, which allows shorter recovery time, yet still produces natural-looking results. 

The non-incisional double eyelid surgery is mostly meant for those who have minor drooping of the upper eyelid as well as those who have thinner eyelids since this method cannot get rid of excess skin. The non-incisional process also has its benefits, like the following: 

  • Minimal scarring
  • Easily reversible
  • Faster recovery 
  • Lesser edema 
  • Quick procedure 

Non Incisional Double Eyelid Surgery in Korea

South Korea is well known as the “plastic surgery capital of the world” to the point that you can commonly see people going about the streets and malls with bandages on their faces fresh from a plastic surgery procedure. The top procedures are those that involve the eyelids since Koreans generally have monolids or single eyelids, which tend to give the eyes a smaller appearance. South Korea’s cosmetic surgery tourism has attracted other Asian countries as well, especially Japan and China, whose people are also well known for generally having monolid eyes.

Foreigners from Europe and the US also recognize Korea’s eyelid surgery procedures as a solution to their eyelid problems, which tend to fall more under the aging category. Clinics in Korea cater to different nationalities for eyelid surgery through the various methods and techniques that they use, like the non-incisional double eyelid surgery. 

How is Non-Incisional Double Eyelid Surgery Done?

Non-Incisional double eyelid surgery is a short and quick procedure that can be done in 30 minutes to an hour. Since it is a non-incisional approach, local anesthesia is enough for the duration of the operation. Even though this technique is easy, it is still advised that you have this done by a board-certified plastic surgeon who has credible experiences in performing eyelid surgeries. This is to ensure that you will have a safe and successful surgery while also achieving your desired outcome. 

After the surgeon administers local anesthesia on the upper eyelid, they perform the following steps:

  1. They design and draw a line on the patient’s upper eyelid crease, depending on its proportion and shape. The outlined line serves as a guide during the whole process. 
  2. The surgeon then makes a tiny hole by the corner of the upper eyelid, where they will remove the excess fats. 
  3. Once the excess fats are entirely removed, they tightly link the skin and the muscle to create a double eyelid. 
  4. The tiny hole is then sutured to make sure that the folds do not loosen.

Non Incisional Double Eyelid Surgery Recovery.

The entire healing period for a non-incisional double eyelid surgery takes ten days to two weeks. Just like any surgery, swelling and bruising may occur. Your eyes could also possibly be watery, sensitive to light, and blurred right after the procedure. Your doctor will prescribe you medications to ease your discomfort during your recovery if necessary. It is also a must to follow after-surgery care instructions given by your doctor to avoid complications and speed up the recovery process. Some of the after-surgery care you should do are as follows:

  • Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol
  • Avoid rubbing or touching your eye area 
  • Apply a cold compress on the treated areas for several days or as long as there is still swelling
  • Do not use contact lens
  • Do not apply makeup or skincare on the eye area during the recovery period 
  • Return to your doctor’s clinic for the scheduled checkup

Non-Incisional Double Eyelid Surgery Before and After.

Even if the results of the non-incisional double eyelid surgery are not permanent, patients are still satisfied with the outcome of the procedure. The results will be the same as those of the incisional method. It will only differ in the longevity of the results as well as the recovery period. As you can see from the images of the patients’ before and after shown below, there is a visible change in the upper eyelid.
The procedure may be non-incisional, but it was still able to produce a double eyelid and make the patients’ eyes appear more youthful, bigger, and brighter. The results also look natural as if the patients have had double eyelids all of their life. 

The non-incisional double eyelid surgery is a less invasive alternative to the ever-popular incisional method of double eyelid surgery. It does not involve incisions and only uses sutures to tighten the skin and the muscles to produce a double eyelid. The whole procedure is fast and easy and only takes at least 30 minutes to finish by a board-certified plastic surgeon. 

When it comes to the recovery period, it only takes two weeks at most for you to heal from the procedure. Just like any eyelid procedure, you have to strictly follow the doctor’s instructions on post-surgery care to avoid complications as well as have a fast recovery process. Even though this method is non-incisional, it still produces the same results of bigger, brighter, younger-looking eyes as the incisional method. It only differs in how long-lasting the results are and how fast the recovery is. 

If you are someone who wants to undergo this procedure, it is highly recommended that you have it in South Korea since plastic surgeons in the country are experts in anything that involves eyelid surgery. With surgeons performing thousands of eyelid surgeries every year, you can guarantee that they will achieve your desired results. Now that you know about non-incisional double eyelid surgery book your appointment now at your preferred clinic or through Seoul Guide Medical’s website and be prepared to have brighter looking eyes. 


When can I wear makeup after the surgery?

It is strictly advised that you should not apply any makeup or even skincare, especially mascara, eyeliner, and eyeshadow, on your eye area for two weeks from the day of the procedure. However, you are allowed to use makeup on the other parts of your face as long as it does not touch the treated areas.

Is non-incisional double eyelid surgery permanent?

The results of non-incisional double eyelid surgery are only semi-permanent because of the possibility that the sutures can loosen over time. If this does happen, you may need to undergo the procedure again, or you may opt to have the incisional method.

Does Non-incisional Double eyelid surgery leave scars?

As compared to the incisional double eyelid surgery, a non-incisional procedure will leave lesser scarring or no scarring at all. Also, if ever you do not like how the scarring looks, the results can be reversed to achieve the previous natural appearance.

Breast Reduction Surgery – What You Should Know Before Getting Breast Reduction Surgery

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Breast reduction surgery is one of the procedures in plastic surgery that can help a woman solve physical and aesthetic issues concerning her body. Every woman desires to have the ideal breast shape and size that is proportionate to their figure. Having an ideal breast can make a woman appear sexier and more youthful; this is why a lot of women go through breast surgeries.

For women who have problems with excessively large breasts, breast reduction surgery has been the best option since it can provide quick results. If you are someone having issues with large breasts, this article will let you know more about breast reduction surgery and why you should undergo the procedure. 

breast reduction surgery - woman measuring her breast

What is Breast Reduction Surgery?

Breast reduction surgery, also known as reduction mammaplasty, is a cosmetic and medical procedure that allows the removal of excess fats, skin, and tissue from the breast. This procedure is for someone who is experiencing psychological and physical problems due to large breasts or macromastia. 

Breast Reduction Surgery Procedure

Breast reduction surgery time takes between 2-5 hours, depending on the complexity of the patient’s case. A board-certified plastic surgeon that has credible experience in breast reduction surgery should perform the procedure to make sure that the results are successfully achieved and also to avoid complications. The technique used depends on the condition of the breast and what the patient wants to obtain from the surgery. The following are the steps done in a breast reduction surgery: 

  • Anesthesia 

Your doctor will decide as to which anesthesia to administer. The usual options are general anesthesia and IV sedation. 


  • Circular or “Donut” breast reduction 
  • This technique is for patients who only need a slight to moderate decrease in breast size and whose excessive breast size is mainly because of fats. A liposuction procedure alone is enough to reduce breast size. 
  • Vertical or “Lollipop” breast reduction 
  • This technique is for those who need moderate breast reduction and have visibly sagging breasts. The lollipop breast reduction involves two incisions that allow room for the doctor to remove excess, fats, tissue, and skin while also lifting the chest to make it look more youthful. 
  • Inverted-T or “Anchor” breast reduction 
  • This technique is for patients who need significant breast reduction, have considerable sagging, and have asymmetrical breasts. This involves three incisions that allow maximum removal of skin and tissue as well as reshaping of the chest. 

Tissue removal and repositioning

  • Once they have made the proper incisions, fats, tissue, and skin are removed, lifted, and shaped. For those with larger breasts, the areola may be removed and transplanted to a higher position. If necessary, the skin around the areola can also be reduced to match the new breast size and shape. 

Closing of the incision

  • Your doctor will close the incisions they made as well as reshape the breast using sutures, skin adhesives, or surgical tape. The incision scars are permanent but usually fade after some time. 

Breast Reduction Surgery recovery

After a breast reduction surgery, there is a possibility that you will have to stay in the hospital for 24 hours for them to monitor your recovery. You will see the results right after the procedure, but it will not be the final appearance since there will be swelling and bruising.

They will also provide you with a specialized bra that will help ease the swelling and support your pre-surgical breast shape and size. Your doctor will inform you as to when you can go back to wearing a regular bra and what you can wear while you are still recovering from the surgery. To recover faster, your doctor may advise that you take a week or two off from work and any strenuous activities.

Breast Reduction Surgery Before and After

Undergoing a breast reduction surgery can be invasive, but can solve both physical and psychological issues that someone may be experiencing because of large breasts. The results are permanent; however, it can still change over time because of aging, weight fluctuations, and hormonal imbalances. 

As seen on the before and after images below, the results of breast reduction surgery have guaranteed results and do not have visible incision scars. The patients’ breasts have changed significantly to a better size and shape that is proportionate to their body figure. Also, their breasts now appear to look like the natural and ideal breasts. This is due to the sagging being eliminated, and the areola being repositioned to a correct position. Not only did breast reduction surgery improve the shape and size, but it also improved the appearance, making the breasts look more youthful. 

Breast reduction surgery is one of the breast surgeries that have been trusted in improving the breast shape, size, and appearance due to macromastia. The procedure not only improves the appearance but also provides a solution to physical pains that a woman experiences due to large breasts. 

Depending on the technique used, the procedure can be mildly invasive or fully invasive. The three methods all have their uses depending on every patient’s case and what the patient wants to achieve. When it comes to recovery, most recover after a week or two with proper post-surgery care. With the help of a well experienced plastic surgeon, the results of a breast reduction surgery can be promising and permanent. However, since aging continues no matter what surgery you undergo, proper maintenance of weight is needed to ensure that you will experience the results longer. 

If you have been dealing with the negative effects of macromastia, then a breast reduction surgery is especially for you. You may contact Seoul Guide Medical through our website, and we will take you to the best doctors and clinics in South Korea for you to achieve the ideal breast size, shape, and appearance. 

For whom is Breast Reduction Surgery most recommended?

Breast reduction surgery is most recommended for women who have large breasts that are not in proportion to their body frame. Also, if the large breasts are causing neck, back, and shoulder pain as well as hindering someone from doing proper physical activities, then breast reduction surgery is a must. Other candidates for breast reduction surgery include: 

  • Those who have heavy breasts with nipples pointing downward
  • Those who have poor posture due to large breasts
  • Those who have trouble breathing because of the pressure that the breasts exert on the chest
  • Those who are conscious about the appearance of their breast
  • Those who have no plans of breastfeeding


Is Breast Reduction Surgery permanent?

The results of a breast reduction surgery are permanent. However, since the aging process will continue, your breast can still change as you age. For the results to last long despite aging-related changes, you must maintain proper weight.

What must I expect after Breast Reduction Surgery?

After undergoing breast reduction surgery, expect that you will have bruising, swelling, and pain in the breast area. You might also experience numbness in the breast that will last for several days. Your chest will be covered with bandages and draining tubes for the first two weeks, but the results will already be visible despite the swelling and bruising. Also, expect that you are not allowed to do any strenuous physical activities while you are healing from the surgery.

V-line Surgery in Korea – How to Get V-Line Face

By | Plastic Surgery | No Comments

An ideal face in Korea is slim and symmetrical with a v-shaped jaw. A face shaped like this brings youthfulness in appearance and makes the whole face look smoother. For the typical Korean, having a v-line exudes a feminine vibe while an angular, square face is more of a masculine characteristic. Having an angular face makes a person look stronger and more intimidating. If you are one who have this problem, then the v-line surgery was made especially for you. Read on and know what it takes to get a v-line face. 

What is V-line surgery

V-line surgery is the excising of the jaw and chin to achieve a smooth and symmetrical face. This kind of plastic surgery is considered as high level because it involves the operation of an individual who has an uneven face shape, thus requiring high precision techniques. It is also risky since the area operated on is close enough to a person’s nerve system in the neck.

If not done right, the patient may suffer from nerve damage; this is why it people who need the surgery are the only ones advised to have it. In this case, only a person who passes the following conditions should push through with the procedure: 

  • Individuals with square or wide jaw
  • Individuals with a flat jawline 
  • Individuals with a long jaw which is not proportionate to the face
  • Individuals with angular jaws
  • Individuals who had V line surgery but the 

v line surgery front and side view

Procedure and Methods

Exactly how does one get a V-line face? Some articles that say you can achieve a V-line face without the surgical procedure by using a V-line mask or a roller. Is this effective? That’s another story to delve in. Here, V-line surgery is a sure success when a reputable surgeon does the procedure. As every individual is unique and has different needs, face contour surgery is customized based on the patient’s case. In simplicity, the procedure starts with a plan or even a 3D model of the patients faces and how it will look like after the surgery.

Then the surgeon will begin with the incision so that he can remove the excess bone form the jaw and chin. After the removal of the bone, it’s time for the stitching and sutures.

There are two kinds of procedures used to achieve a V-line face, namely, the Jaw reduction and T osteotomy procedures; 

Jaw Reduction

involves the removing of the jaw bone at the back of the ear to the frontal jaw bone.

jaw reduction surgery

T osteotomy

 focuses only on the chin area. It involves both the reshaping of the chin and the trimming of the side jaw. 


There are several other methods under Osteotomy, and those are the following:

    1.  Osteotomy cutting T shape for the reduction in width and length of the chin. 
    2. Osteotomy cutting into inverted V maintains the square shape of the chin while reducing its length.
    3.  Osteotomy cutting horizontally is the conventional way to cut the chin area horizontally. 
    4.  L-shape shift method is for when the chin is protruding and too long.  

Why get it in Korea

Now that you know how to achieve a V-line face and how a surgeon does the procedure, I want to tell you why you should have it done in South Korea. First of all, South Korea has gained its title as the “plastic surgery capital of the world” because of the number of thousands and even millions of plastic surgery procedures done in the country in a year. Second, in a survey by Trend Monitor in 2009, it was found that one in every five women in Seoul has had plastic surgery. Because of the popularity of the country in anything that has to do with plastic surgery, plus surgeons are proven capable of achieving great results, foreigners even travel to Korea to have plastic surgery or other skin treatments. 

Not only does Korea have the best plastic surgeons in the world, but they also have the latest technologies for every skin treatment and surgical procedure available in the market. In this way, you are sure that you are in good hands.

How much does a V-line surgery cost?

Of course, getting that V-line face is not possible without the cost because let’s face it, nothing in this world is free anymore. The cost of a V-line surgery is around $5,500- $20,000. The price still depends on the method, technique, and difficulty of the patient’s procedure. There are also instances in South Korea wherein prices for plastic surgery may vary for locals and foreigners.

V line Surgery Information

Since V-line surgery is a high-level surgery, anesthesia administered is the general anesthesia, which sedates the patient throughout the procedure. General anesthesia is a must because the procedure needs high-level precision to achieve the symmetrical shape and avoid the nerve system along the neck. With the patient in a deep sleep, it will help the surgeon work undisturbed since the patient is relaxed and still. The duration of a procedure ranges from 1-2 hours or more depending on the patient’s case.

The patient will need to stay in the clinic for several hours to one day for checkups and after surgical treatment. After a week or two, the patient will come back to the clinic for a follow-up checkup for the removal of the stitches. The required time for a patient to lay low on daily activities is about 1-2 weeks. When the patient has reached the two weeks’ mark, he or she may go about his or her usual daily activities. For foreigners, it is a must that you stay in South Korea for 14 to 16 days to complete the follow-up checkups. 

Pre-op and post-op

Getting a face contour requires preparation before the procedure because there are activities not allowed before you have the surgery. So, you cannot go into the clinic and tell the surgeon to surgically contour your face unless you are eligible based on the criteria of eligibility during the preparation stages. 

There is a specific preparation before and after the procedure. During the pre-op period, it is a must that the patient does the following: 

  • Discontinue intake of vitamins, aspirin, and pills
  • Stop smoking and drinking three days before your surgery
  • Eat a lot of fruits and vegetable to help you recover fast from the surgery
  • Wear comfortable clothes on the day of your scheduled surgery
  • Take off all kinds of jewelry, contact lenses, and nail polish
  • Avoid eating and drinking anything 4-8 hours before the procedure

On the other hand, post-surgery requires the patient to do the following as much as possible: 

  • Stay in the clinic and rest
  • Use ice packs as it will help in faster recovery
  • Take all prescribed medication 
  • Go back for the checkups 
  • Avoid drinking and smoking for four weeks


To conclude, V-line surgery is a procedure that helps you achieve a smooth, symmetrical face shape which is the perfect face shape according to Asians. Having this surgery can make you look younger and less intimidating. It also involves two types of systematic procedures which include the jaw reduction and T osteotomy procedures. Also, under T osteotomy, there are four different kinds of methods which should only be done by an expert in the field of plastic surgery. 

Since South Korea is known for its popularity in the practice of plastic surgery, it is just right to decide to have the procedure in the country now believed to be as the front liner in plastic surgery procedures. Not only do they have thousands of experts, but also the less costly prices for a long-lasting and commendable result. Just remember that when planning on getting this type of face contour surgery, always follow the pre and post-op so that you will have your desired results in no time. If you have always desired to have the ideal v-line face shape just like most Koreans, have your consultation now to be one step closer to a better appearance.